
What is Risk Avoidance in Cyber Security? Definition, Importance & Examples

What is Risk Avoidance in Cybersecurity

In today’s modern business atmosphere, risk management has become the top priority of organizations. Due to the increase in cyber-attacks, organizations are looking for suitable approaches to eliminate or reduce such risks. 

To do so, they opt for risk management strategies that include various approaches to identify risk, analyze it, and provide solutions. One most common risk management approaches is the risk avoidance strategy. Organizations use this to eliminate potential cyber risks or even risks related to other business operations. 

In this article, let’s discuss what is risk avoidance in cyber security and its other essential factors.

What is Risk Avoidance in Cyber Security? 

Risk avoidance in cybersecurity is the reduction of hazards, exposures, or harmful activities that affect the company’s digital assets. It is one of the strategies of risk management that organizations adopt to eliminate the level of risk of cyber crimes. 

With a risk avoidance process, organizations can reduce the probability of any cyber-attacks. It helps them prevent any harmful activities by adopting proactive measures. Risk avoidance refrains organizations from indulging in any potential loss or adverse situation.

How Does the Risk Avoidance Process Work?

Risk avoidance is a comprehensive process that includes various necessary steps to prevent exposure to potential damages. Organizations usually follow this approach of risk management to identify, analyze, and eliminate cyber threats. 


  1. Identifies Risks

First, the risk avoidance process starts by identifying what kind of risk it is and determining what its consequences can be. In this process, experts recognize the factors that are contributing to the potential risks. 

  1. Evaluate the Severity of the Risk

Evaluation of risk severity is a necessary step, as it helps experts understand what level of damage it can cause and what threats it involves. Cybersecurity experts prioritize immediate attention to the cause. To be a cybersecurity expert and learn about risk avoidance, you can get help from an IT Risk Fundamentals cybersecurity course. 

  1. Assess the Alternatives

When you know the severity of the threat, consider if there are any feasible alternative solutions for it or not. Assess the avoidability that can prevent or even reduce the risk exposure to the organization’s system.

  1. Develop Strategies 

Once you have successfully analyzed the condition, develop a strategy that may be an alternative or a revised strategy. These strategies must prevent those threats from getting into your network and affecting your activities. 

  1. Use Preventive Measures

This step of the risk avoidance process may include revising an alternative approach, preparing some guidelines, or modifying protocols and processes. This ensures the high effectiveness of the process. 

  1. Monitor and Review

Regular monitoring of the process is needed if there is any potential threat.  Experts must assess the progress of the risk avoidance process and check if the measures are being followed correctly. They should also review if there are any new risks. If yes, that must be addressed immediately. 

  1. Make Improvements if Needed

When any new risk emerges, or even if the measures taken are not satisfactory, one must make improvements to the strategy, taking the current affecting factors into consideration.

  1. Communicate and Educate

Process supervisors and stakeholders must be aware of the risks and the strategy being used for risk avoidance.

What are Some Examples of Risk Avoidance?

This strategy of risk management deflects any sort of threats attacking the system of the organization. The risk avoidance approach is specifically designed to manage risks. Experts often identify and assess the risks to determine the solution. 

If you want to work on risk management and be a cybersecurity expert, learn from ISRM – Certified IS Risk Manager. However, now you know what is risk avoidance in cyber security, understand some of its applied examples in real-time scenarios. 

Used in Retail

Example: Point of Sale (POS) Security

Any unauthorized access to the system of retail or customer payment information is restricted with this POS security software that works based on risk avoidance. Any data breaches or malicious activities may lead to huge financial losses, legal liabilities, or reputational damage. So, this risk avoidance process is implemented here. 


  • A secure payment system that aligns with certain industry standards is implemented.
  • Data access must be granted to the limited group, and experts should implement a robust encrypted system. 

Used in Project Management 

Example: Procurement risk avoidance 

Various risks may arise in the procurement process, which may include delays, quality issues, loss of project-sensitive data, client information, etc. These risks must be minimized, and a risk avoidance approach should be adopted to eliminate any risk of damage. 


  • Implement a robust operating system and keep the data secured with strong encryption. 
  • Keep all the data of clients and employees secure on a reliable network. 
  • Do not give access to sensitive data to all. Keep them private and accessible to a restricted group of people. 

Applied in Network Segmentation

Risk avoidance in cybersecurity is an approach that is used by organizations to secure their critical systems and valuable information. Any ignorance in the risk avoidance process may lead to data breaches, financial losses, reputational damages, and intellectual property damages. 


  • Create firewalls or barriers on your network to prevent any unauthorized movement on your system. 
  • Implement two-factor or multi-factor authentication with strong encryption to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest. 

How is the Risk Avoidance Strategy Most Suitable?

Risk avoidance is the best approach in risk management strategy, as it provides various benefits. Following are some points that show why risk avoidance can be the most suitable approach for risk management: 

  1. Risk avoidance identifies threats within the organization’s system as a whole. 
  2. It assesses the potential risks and their implications on the organization. 
  3. It can quantify the damage due to potential risks. It basically calculates or predicts the risk exposures accurately. 
  4. Furthermore, if it is implemented correctly, it can eliminate the risks, reducing the chances of legal liabilities or compliance violations. 

Risk Avoidance vs. Other Risk Management Approach


There are many types of risk management approaches that organizations use to identify and treat potential threats. Some of the risk management approaches are as follows: 

  • Risk avoidance – This approach works to eliminate and prevent exposure to potential cyber threats or risks. 
  • Risk acceptance – This approach basically identifies the risk, acknowledges it, and then embraces it to reach its root cause. This is an optimistic method while others are the harsh way to eliminate the risks. 
  • Risk reduction or mitigation – This type of approach works to reduce or minimize the impact of risk on the business. 

Risk avoidance and risk mitigation are both approaches to risk management strategy. Risk management is the wider picture that includes various approaches or strategies, including risk mitigation. 

As we understand what is risk avoidance in cyber security, risk mitigation also relates to it that deals with mitigating potential losses. 

Risk mitigation is the strategy that works to reduce potential losses of the organization following a more staggered method. It reduces the possibilities of cyber-attacks, including data breaches, cyber theft, or forceful network entry. 

Risk avoidance is a conservative approach that sacrifices benefits to prevent dangers. It works to eliminate the risk of potential damage. The risk mitigation or reduction approach is a more balanced strategy that manages and tries to reduce the problem. 

Both approaches to risk management follow the preventive plan of action to reduce the probability of risk or threats damaging the system. 

Pros and Cons of Risk Avoidance

Risk avoidance is the most effective approach that cybersecurity experts use to eliminate the cyber threat risks within the organization’s network or system. This process has both pros and cons that every risk handler must know. 

Pros of Risk Avoidance

Some advantages of using a risk avoidance strategy are as follows:

  • Improved corporate reputation
  • Compliance with industry regulations
  • Eliminates the risk of potential cyber-attacks and damages 
  • Improves confidence in employees as the risks are correctly eliminated  
  • Increases operational efficiency

Cons of Risk Avoidance

Companies often face issues in detecting any threat entering the system. It also becomes difficult to implement the right solution for the problem. This is why cybersecurity experts are needed to help organizations deal with risk avoidance. However, there are certain limitations to risk avoidance: 

  • Operations of business become slow
  • Potential opportunities are neglected sometimes
  • Chances of innovation get reduced 
  • The cost of insurance or other compliance expenses increases. 

Best Practices for Risk Avoidance

To aid risks within the organization, one should design and implement better policies and procedures. Moreover, early training should be given to the employees, and experts must be hired to deal with it in case of any uncertainties. Following are some best practices that must be followed to do proper risk management:  

  1. Start Early and Conduct Thorough Research 

The very first important thing is to start the risk management process. Organizations must give training to their employees on how to deal with such situations. Risk assessment and analysis should be done once a month at least. 

Before you define your decision, it is good to conduct thorough research. A risk assessment process should be conducted to identify if there are any risks. This will help cyber experts build better risk management strategies. 

  1. Prepare Documentation

It is good practice to document such critical processes as risk management or risk avoidance approaches. This way, the organization can maintain the paper trail with written correspondence for future reference. 

Signed documentation also eliminates the probability of misunderstanding. Furthermore, you will have documentation as evidence to present in court if there are any legal liabilities.  

  1. Effective Communication and Education

Open communication must be kept within all levels of management. Clients, employees, and business shareholders must be informed about the potential threat clearly. The higher level management must be kept updated with the progress happening in risk management. Cybersecurity experts must execute an appropriate approach to eliminate the threat. 

The employees, customers, and business stakeholders should be aware of potential risks. They must be demonstrated with serious implications of potential risk, and various strategies should be discussed with them at their levels. 

This will help them contribute to solving the issue. They will also cooperate and work at their high efficiency in such times to avoid any disruption in the business operations.

Important Tips for Risk Avoidance


Some effective tips that you can follow for risk avoidance are: 

  • Adopt a more holistic approach that considers all the aspects of the business process. 
  • Establish open communication and effective channels within the different levels of the organization to implement the risk avoidance strategy correctly. 
  • Create awareness of risk management within the organization. Companies’ employees and stakeholders must understand what is risk avoidance in cyber security
  • Keep regular updates on the implementation process and get feedback from employees and other staff about emerging risks and solutions. 
  • Modify the approach and strategies of risk avoidance and management based on the nature of potential risk.  
  • Organizations or cyber experts can use risk treatment tools to develop a better risk management solution.


Cybersecurity risk management is a process that identifies threats and their severity. It becomes important for an organization to secure its data, clients’ information, assets, etc. Risk avoidance is the best option that organizations can opt for risk management solutions.

Evaluating risks and preparing a risk avoidance strategy starts by knowing its success criteria first. Thus, before implementation of the risk avoidance plan, evaluate its success rate and consider all the potential challenges that may occur during its implementation. 

As we know, it identifies, analyzes, and evaluates the solution to eliminate potential risks; risk avoidance can help organizations get rid of cybercrimes. If you have an interest in and knowledge of risk avoidance and want to learn more about how these strategies contribute to eliminating cybercrime, you can join this CCS Learning Academy group training course

At CCS Learning Academy, you can find many professional courses, instructor-led courses, and CISSP exam prep on cybersecurity and Information systems security. Join these courses and get hands-on experience in most in-demand professions. 


Q1: What is risk avoidance in cyber security?

Answer: Risk avoidance in cyber security refers to the strategy of eliminating risks or reducing the probability of their occurrence by not engaging in activities that could introduce these risks. It involves identifying potential threats and making conscious decisions to avoid them, rather than mitigating or accepting them.

Q2: How does risk avoidance differ from other risk management strategies?

Answer: Unlike risk mitigation, which involves reducing the impact of risks, or risk acceptance, where risks are acknowledged but no immediate action is taken, risk avoidance involves completely steering clear of activities that pose a risk. It’s a more conservative approach that aims to eliminate the risk entirely.

Q3: Why is risk avoidance important in cyber security?

Answer: Risk avoidance is important because it can prevent exposure to significant threats that could compromise an organization’s data and systems. It’s particularly crucial for risks that have the potential to cause irreparable damage or for which there are no effective mitigation strategies.

Q4: Can you give examples of risk avoidance in cyber security?

Answer: Examples include not using outdated or unsupported software that may have unpatched vulnerabilities, avoiding the storage of sensitive data on public cloud services, and not allowing the use of personal devices for work purposes to prevent potential security breaches.

Q5: Is risk avoidance always the best approach in cyber security?

Answer: Not always. While risk avoidance can be effective for certain threats, it may not always be practical or beneficial for an organization. Avoiding all risks can limit innovation and operational efficiency. It’s important to balance risk avoidance with other risk management strategies.

Q6: How do organizations implement risk avoidance strategies?

Answer: Organizations implement risk avoidance strategies by conducting thorough risk assessments, identifying activities that pose high risks, and then making strategic decisions to alter or eliminate those activities. Policies and procedures are often developed to enforce these decisions.

Q7: What role does risk assessment play in risk avoidance?

Answer: Risk assessment is crucial in risk avoidance as it helps identify the risks inherent in various activities. By understanding the potential threats and their impacts, organizations can make informed decisions about which risks to avoid.

Q8: Can risk avoidance be applied to all types of cyber threats

Answer: While risk avoidance can be applied to many types of cyber threats, it’s not always feasible for all. Some risks are inherent in necessary business operations and cannot be completely avoided. In such cases, other risk management strategies may be more appropriate.

Q9: How does risk avoidance impact an organization’s cyber security policy?

Answer: Risk avoidance directly influences an organization’s cyber security policy by dictating certain practices and restrictions to prevent exposure to specific risks. These policies often include strict guidelines on technology usage, data handling, and access controls.

Q10: What are the limitations of risk avoidance in cyber security?

Answer: The main limitations include potential hindrance to business innovation and productivity, as avoiding all risks can lead to overly restrictive practices. Additionally, it may not be a cost-effective approach in all scenarios, especially if the likelihood of a risk materializing is low.